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Membership of the Company is drawn from the security industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals from the industrial and retail sectors, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators, and electronic surveillance companies.

The Clerk - Adrienne Harper

Phone: +44 (0) 1256 395036‬
36 Queens Rd, North Warnborough, Hampshire, RG29 1DN

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Master’s Update, April 2022

After a fantastic run up to Christmas with the Carol Service and Christmas Lunch we went into Plan B and not only our events, but City events were postponed. We are now back into the swing of things starting with…

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United Guilds’ Service and Lunch

The United Guilds’ Service and Lunch will be taking place on Friday 1st April 2022 at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Butchers’ Hall. Origins of the United Guilds’ Service At a meeting of the Masters and Prime Wardens of the Twelve…

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Spring Dance

A fantastic evening was enjoyed at the 20th Annual Worshipful Company of Security Professionals Spring Dance at the Leonardo Hotel, Tower Hill. We raised over £45,000 with donations still being received. A huge thanks to everyone that supported all the charities through attending, bringing…

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Annual Founders’ Service and Supper

The Annual Founders' Service was held in The Chapel Royal, St. Peter ad Vincula, HM Tower of London on Thursday 17th February 2022. The service was conducted by the Company’s Hon Chaplain, the Revd Canon Roger Hall MBE (who is…

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Charitable Trust Trustee Vacancies

Written by Claire Palmer, Chair of Trustees I am delighted to report that trustees finally managed to meet in person (with a handful of remote attendees) for a Strategy Day on 12 January 2022. The day provided the opportunity to review…

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New Year’s Drinks

The Young Members' Group (YMG) hosted their New Year's Drinks on 21 January 2022. Despite social constraints, the event was well attended by apprentices, members, freemen, and liverymen. The event also served as an opportunity for prospective members to meet…

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Christmas Message from the Master

Dear Members, Freeman, and Liveryman, It gives me so much pleasure to wish you all a great Christmas. We have had 6 months of live events with each event fully sold out which is great news for the Charitable Trust.…

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