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Membership of the Company is drawn from the security industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals from the industrial and retail sectors, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators, and electronic surveillance companies.

The Clerk - Adrienne Harper

Phone: +44 (0) 1256 395036‬
36 Queens Rd, North Warnborough, Hampshire, RG29 1DN

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The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals

The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals traces its origins back to 1999 when the now Past Masters, Steve Neville OBE and John Purnell GM QPM DL registered The Guild of Security Professionals with the City of London Chamberlain’s Office. On January 15th 2008 the Court of Alderman was petitioned and it declared that the Company became the 108th Livery Company from February 19th 2008. In 2009 the Security Professionals’ Company petitioned the privy council for a royal charter and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II approved an Order instructing the Lord Chancellor to affix the great seal to the Worshipful Company’s charter, which was granted on 15 February 2010.

Charitable Trust

The Trust provides education and health services to members of the security profession; managed by a board of twelve trustees all of whom are members of the Company.


Everything you need to know about how to become a member of the Company. To apply to become a member, please fill out the form on the Membership Page.

Sheriffs' Award for Bravery

The Sheriffs’ Award is a national award for bravery, celebrating heroes or organisations who have contributed to safeguarding our “people, property, or our liberty.”

The Master

Sec Prof Installation 06-06-23 176

Russell Penny

Russell is the Founder and Managing Director of Denarius Consultancy and is the UK and International Security Consultant to Constellation Generation. Russell is the Master of the WCoSP, an Apprentice Master and former Chair of the Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery Working Group. He is the former Head of the UK’s Police International Counter Terrorism Unit and National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO),…

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