On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals hosted an exclusive Whisky…
The Master’s Installation Luncheon 2023
It was my honour and privilege to be installed as the 23rd Master of The Worshipful Company of Security
Professionals. My first acts as Master were to present former IPM Steve Emmins with his Past Masters
badge and to clothe outgoing Master Paul Miller with his gown and invest him with his IPM badge, with my
I was delighted to invest Michael Thwaites as Senior Warden, Sue Jones as Middle Warden and Wesley
Harper as Junior Warden.
It was my pleasure to admit Group Captain Jules Weekes, Commander Readiness, Royal Air Force,
Honnington, as Honorary Freeman and Bill Collier, Michelle Elkins, Roy Freedman, Steven Kenny, David
O’Reilly, Julian Tmava, Kevin Tongs & Rajinder Tumber MBE as Freeman.
I was also delighted to clothe Pete Fitzgerald, Robert Gunson MBA CSyP, Stephano Patacchiola, Kiyomi
Ran, Edward Semple & Stewart Turnbull as Liverymen.
The ceremonies were concluded for the first time, with a prayer and blessing from Revd. Judith Bersweden
followed by a champagne reception and delicious lunch in the fabulous setting of Drapers’ Hall, attended by
over 200 members and our guests.
The principal guests were: Alderman and Sheriff Alastair King DL; Air-Vice Marshal Mick Smeath CBE,
Commandant General RAF Regiment; former Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner ‘Specialist
Operations’ Neil Basu QPM; Graham Woodhouse, Master Elect Fire Fighters; Chief Superintendent Rob Atkin
MBE, City of London Police and Reverend Judith Bersweden, Assistant Pries, St. Mary’s, Merton. They were
introduced by the eloquent Senior Warden, Michael Thwaites.
I awarded the King’s College London essay prize certificate to MA student Eléonore Casanova for her essay
entitled ‘Is gender an important frame through which to analyse terrorism? If so, why?’
The NCO Leadership Award, the Ben Flenley Memorial Bowl, was awarded to Sergeant Nicholas Paton from
2 Squadron, RAF Regiment.
In my speech I referenced: the significance of 6th June as being the seventy ninth anniversary of the Battle of
Normandy with personal reflections; engagement of the Livery and the Lord Mayor in the lead up to the
Coronation; sadness for the death of Sir David Brewer and his significant support to this Company and our
Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery; progression of our efforts towards Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; support to the
work of various organisations regarding violence against women and girls; our exceptional Apprenticeship
Scheme and the success of the recent Whittington Course. I encouraged members to attend our events, get
involved with the committees and identify means of sponsoring our events. I concluded with a toast to the IPM
and Past Masters.
Neil Basu gave a passionate and thought-provoking response regarding diversity and raised a toast on behalf
of the guests.
Lunch was followed by a Stirrup Cup. A great start to my year as Master.
We are most grateful to ICTS and Ashley Fernandes, our sponsor for this event and to Axis Communications
and Kieran Byrne for providing the Stirrup Cup.
Written by Russell Penny CPP
Master of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals