"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…

The Annual Dinner 2023
On Wednesday, 25th October 2023 our Annual Dinner was held in the delightful setting of Merchant Taylors’ Hall in the presence of the Lord Mayor Elect Michael Mainelli, Lady Mayoress Designate Elisabeth Mainelli; our two Sheriffs, Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley and Alderman Bronek Masojada; their Consorts Gary Langley and Jane Masojada; and the Master Management Consultant, Kanan Barot.

The evening commenced with guests and members being welcomed by a contingent of the City of London Police Cadets and received by the Master and Consort, Russell and Helen Penny.
At 6.55pm our Company Beadle, invited members and guests to take their places in the Great Hall for dinner. The Master, Immediate Past Master, Wardens and the Clerk then processed into the Hall accompanying the Principal Guests. Once all were in their seats, the Reverend Judith Bersweden said Grace.
As dinner was being served, organist Jason Edge played a beautiful rendition of Widor’s Toccata on the only remaining working organ in a City of London Livery hall, and during the dinner the guests were entertained throughout by the London Banqueting Ensemble.

Following the Loving Cup ceremony led by the Master, the Loyal Toast, Toast to the Royal Family and Civic Toasts were delivered. The Master then delivered a stirring speech in which he referenced current threats from terrorism and appealed to the company members and guests to consider reading the Action Counters Terrorism Awareness e-learning, and to support the campaign by Figen Murray OBE and Nick Aldworth for Martyn’s Law, a bill to help keep people safe and enhance national security by reducing risks to the public from terrorism in the protection of public venues.

The Master concluded his speech by presenting the Sponsors Certificate to Mitie and announced that Liveryman and Founder Member Per-Olof Loof and Mrs Robin Loof are the First Patrons for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the Worshipful Company starting in February 2024.

Brigadier Sarah Pingle-Smith then presented the Provost Marshall (ARMY) Sword to Steward and Liveryman Paul Lavery for his unstinting dedication to the Company and his duties as Steward, also for his support to our Clerk Adrienne Harper and our Beadle Paul Craycraft at Company events.

Following an introduction by Middle Warden Sue Jones, the Sheriffs presented their Award for Bravery for 2023, to their Principal Recipient Mr Niall Stranix, for his incredible act of bravery when he intervened in an armed robbery in the store where he was working in Leeds. He received a standing ovation from our members and guests.

This thoroughly enjoyable evening was rounded off with a Stirrup Cup in the charming Courtyard of Merchant Taylors’ Hall.