"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…

Livery Master’s weekend in Glasgow
Written by Russell Penny, Master of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
It was with great anticipation that my wife, Helen and I travelled to Glasgow on Friday 16 th
June to join the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Sheriffs, City Livery Committee and
Masters of 103 of the London Livery Companies and their Consorts for the London Livery
weekend 2023, kindly organised by The Trades House of Glasgow and its 14 Trade
Incorporations and Associated Companies. We arrived in the afternoon to find Glasgow
bathed in glorious sunshine.
Our first event was at the Trades House where we were warmly welcomed by the Deacon
Convener of Glasgow Bruce Reidford. We met old acquaintances and made many new at
the reception and supper held in the Grand Hall, beautifully adorned with a frieze depicting
craftsmen of each of the 14 historic crafts of the City of Glasgow.

On Saturday we travelled in groups via coach to our first destination, the Mackintosh Church
Queen’s Cross. In 1896 the Free Church of St Matthew, Glasgow, commissioned a new
church and hall to be built by Glasgow’s most famous architect, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
The church had an interesting mixture of influences, from pre-reformation English, Gothic
and Japanese and included the iconic stained-glass Blue Heart Window.
Our next stop was at the Riverside Transport Museum on the Clyde waterfront and a tour of
the Tall Ship Glenlee, the UK’s only floating Clyde-built sailing ship followed by lunch on
After a brief journey, we arrived at Pollok Country Park for a guided tour of the Burrell
Collection, a dazzling and varied collection of 9,000 objects of art and artifacts from around
the world. These included paintings by renowned French artists Manet, Cezanne and Degas,
sculptures by Rodin, stunning stained glass, arms, armour, tapestries, and the Ceremonial
Bedhead made for the marriage of King Henry VIII and his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves.
In the evening we attended the Gala Dinner and Civic Reception held in the ornate
banqueting hall of the City Chambers where we were welcomed by the Rt. Hon The Lord
Provost of Glasgow Jacqueline McLaren and witnessed the piping in and impassioned
Address to the Haggis.
Our final day began with a special service at the magnificent Glasgow Cathedral. The
building of Glasgow Cathedral began in 1136 and was dedicated to St Kentigern (or St
Mungo). The service was led by the very eloquent Rev’d Mark E Johnstone, with the
Glasgow Cathedral Choir. Light refreshments were followed by a tour which highlighted the
medieval architecture of the Cathedral and the beautiful Trades House window which
commemorates the Trades House and 14 incorporated trades.
After a visit to the Mackintosh Tea rooms, we left, as we arrived, in glorious sunshine. A
wonderful weekend of events, activities, and some rather good Whisky from the Hebrides.
Russell Penny, Master