"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…

Carol Service 2021
The Company was very fortunate to be able to return to The Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula in The Tower of London for its annual Carol Service on 3 December 2021. We are grateful to The Constable of the Tower and Honorary Liveryman General the Lord Houghton GCB CBE DL and our Honorary Chaplain, the Reverend Canon Roger Hall MBE, Chaplain to the Tower of London for allowing this.
The congregation filled the chapel and included the Master, the Immediate Past Master, all three Wardens, WCoSP Freeman Debra Whittingham, Deputy Governor at HM Tower of London, Past Masters, Liverymen, Freemen, Members, Apprentices and their families, children, grandchildren, and friends, gathered in this historic Chapel Royal for a perfect Carol Service at which Canon Hall officiated.
The Choir, conducted by Master of Music Colm Carey BMus, gave superb renditions of Alleluya, a new work is come on hand (Wishart), Christmas Night (arr. Rutter), I saw a maiden (Pettman), and I saw three ships come sailing in (arr. Preston) The congregation joined in singing traditional carols including, Once in Royal David’s City, Good King Wenceslas, O little Town of Bethlehem, O Come All Ye Faithful and Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Lessons were read by the Honorary Chaplain, the Clerk, Court Assistant Tilly Sherwood, Mr Tel Folkman, Young Member Miss Dolly Carter and Apprentice Miss Avielle Larbi. The Master read “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr Suess.
The Carol Service in The Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London is a Company tradition. Despite having to wear masks, this was a magnificent and enjoyable family occasion and a fitting start to the Festive Season. We thank all involved in making it happen and in particular our Honorary Chaplain, the Master of Music, the Choir, the Organist and our Beadle and Clerk.
Brian Hughes, Past Master Emeritus.