On Tuesday 21st of March, the Company were treated to an incredible insight into the…

Christmas Lunch
The Annual Christmas Lunch took place on Friday 10 December 2021 at Apothecaries’ Hall, one of the oldest Livery Halls in the City of London, nestled in the back streets behind St Paul’s Cathedral.
The Master welcomed guests at the reception in the oak panelled Court Room dominated by two large stained glass windows.
The Beadle called for lunch, members and their guests transitioned into the beautifully furnished Great Hall, with a carved screen at the south end of the room and a minstrels’ gallery at the north end. The Master, Wardens, and Clerk processed into the Great Hall
The Beadle introduced the Master, who welcomed everyone and invited the Singers from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, located in the minstrels’ gallery, to sing. The Clerk said Grace, lunch was served, and the Singers from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama sang two further pieces.
The Master thanked the Master of the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries for permitting us to use their Hall, Singers from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, and expressed his gratitude to Mr Andrew Gillies and Amberstone for once again sponsoring this event. The Master invited members of the Company to join him in toasting the guests.
The Beadle introduced Sqn Ldr Chris Ford MBE, who responded to the Master on behalf of the guests, and proposed a toast to the Company.
The Singers from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama invited attendees to join them in a lively rendition of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’.