"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…
The Launch Event of the Apprentice Alumni Group
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals officially launched the Apprentice Alumni Group on the 25th of May 2023 at the 3MI HQ.
The evening started with a drink at the 3MI’s Bar during which Apprentices and guests were able to catch up. Apprentice Camille Dabas, who put forth the initiative of the Apprentice Alumni, presented how the idea came together and the core aims of the Group. We had the pleasure to have a few words of support from the Master, Paul Miller, who presented to John Sheeran the Certificate of Sponsorship for Northern Trust.
Guests were then invited to all share a curry and continue their lively discussion as current and former Apprentice were all reunited for the first time in a while. Towards the end of the dinner, we had the chance to have a speech by former Apprentice and now Liveryman, Kiyomi Ran who gave us an insight into her life in the Company after the completion of her apprenticeship. Her inspiring words brought forth the essence of the Apprentice Alumni Group – that of creating a proactive community of Apprentices. The evening ended with a final drink around the Bar.
The Apprentice Alumni Group
My name is Camille Dabas, I became an Apprentice in November 2022. Before explaining the core aims of the Group, I will briefly present how this initiative came together.
Since the start of my Apprenticeship, I have been able to meet many other Apprentices at various events thanks to the Apprentice Management Group. The idea of the Group came together during a meeting with my Apprentice Master Kate Bright during which I voiced that I knew most of my fellow Apprentices but that I was wondering who were the Apprentices that had completed their Apprenticeship. The opportunity to engage with current Apprentices had been incredibly valuable and I was left pondering how much I could learn from the wider Apprentice community.
I sent an email to Andrew Knights asking if there were a registry or a group that had been created to bring together every person that had been, and that are, on the Apprentice scheme. And there were none. The idea thus took on the name of the Apprentice Alumni Group.
As the Apprentice Scheme celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2022, the cohort of Apprentices that have both joined and successfully completed the programme is ever- growing. We are now all part of a community of more than 80 Apprentices. The Apprentice Alumni Group only reiterates the Company’s main values by helping to capitalise on the experience of former Apprentices and keeping a close-knit community between Apprentices.
The Group will not only organise events throughout the year so that former and current Apprentices can catch up and exchange, but also create a WhatsApp group on which we will all be able to connect more easily with one another. The Apprentice Alumni Group is (quite simply) an initiative to bring together all former and current Apprentices to lay the ground for the security network of tomorrow.
As the Group just launched, we would love to make it suit all your expectations – please do not hesitate to contact Camille Dabas at [email protected] with your questions and ideas so that we can create Group that will benefit our large Apprentice community. I would like to thank John Sheeran from Northern Trust for sponsoring the launch event, the Apprentice Management Group (Andrew Knights, Simon Imbert and Kiyomi Ran) for their precious help and my Apprentice Master Kate Bright for her support. Finally, I would also like to thank the Company and most importantly the Apprentice community for their trust all throughout the launch of the Apprentice Alumni Group.
Camille M. C. Dabas