"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…

Christmas Message from the Master
Dear Members, Freeman, and Liveryman,
It gives me so much pleasure to wish you all a great Christmas.
We have had 6 months of live events with each event fully sold out which is great news for the Charitable Trust. There have been lots of highlights including awarding the Sheriffs Award for Bravery to Lukasz Koczocik by Alderman and Sheriff Alison Gowman at the very impressive Old Bailey Grand Hall. We finished the year off in style and Christmas cheer with the Carol Service at the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London where the choir raised the roof; then the relaxed and fun Christmas Lunch in Apothecaries Hall, which is the oldest working hall in the City. The singers from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama got us all up on our feet singing Christmas carols.
Please go to Gerald Sharp Photography https://sharpphoto.co.uk/f454023198, this link takes you to our Company page on the website where you can view and buy photos for these events and any previous events.
We are looking for members to join our various committees to help run the company and also for Stewards to help run the events on the day, please reach out to the Clerk or me for further information at [email protected] or [email protected].
I would like to thank all our sponsors for their generosity and great support throughout the year and wish each one a happy Christmas.
We have a great programme of events throughout 2022 including, at the start of the year, the Consort’s Reception at the American Embassy on 27th January and the Founders’ Service in the Tower of London on 17th February. Our biggest fundraising event of the year, the Spring Dance, is being held in the Leonardo Hotel (near Tower Gateway Station) on 5th March, please get in touch if you can offer any raffle or auction prizes. The Lord Imbert Memorial Lecture is taking place in Barber-Surgeons Hall on 17th March and the Liverymen Lunch at Innholders Hall on 27th April with the Lord Mayor in attendance. The 10 year Apprentice Celebration is at the RAF Club on 6th May and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s Dinner at the RAF Club on 11th May.
All the above events are listed on our website www.wcosp.org and you will only be able to book tickets through the members section, so please check that your login works and all is ok. Should you have any issues please contact the Clerk. You will also find all our merchandise on the website.
I would like to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all at the Founders’ Service in February at the Tower of London.
Stephen Emmins, Master.