"God, there are some nerds in this room." ––Dominic McClaran This dispatch reaches you one…

25th Anniversary Joint Celebration with the WCoMC and the SyI
We are pleased to announce our Joint Anniversary Celebration Dinner to be held at the Mansion House on Tuesday, 26th March 2024. The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli and Lady Mayoress Elisabeth Mainelli will be in attendance with Sheriff Dame Susan Langley.
The dinner is being held in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants and the Security Institute to celebrate our milestone anniversaries.
Guests will be entertained throughout dinner by the London Banqueting Ensemble, and the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) Light Cavalry will provide an Honour Guard for the evening. Places are limited so early booking is essential. To secure your place(s) book here The Annual Dinner 2023 – WCoSP.
Timings and Dress Code:
Reception 6.30pm
Dinner 7.00pm
Carriages 10.30pm
Dress Code: White Tie/Black Tie with miniature medals and Badges of Office