At the kind invitation of Alderman and Sheriff Gregory Jones and Sheriff David Chalk the…

Service Affiliates Lunch 2023
The 2023 Service Affiliates’ Lunch once again took place at the Union Jack Club on Wednesday 21 June 2023. The lunch, an annual event coinciding with Armed Forces Week, honours our Affiliates and the relationship they have with our Company. The Company has 6 Affiliates, listed in order of Affiliation: RAF Regiment, Royal Military Police, RAF Police, 3 MI Bn, HMS MEDWAY and 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S). Each year the lunch is hosted by a different Affiliate and this year it was the turn of 35 Engr Regt, who organised a splendid team with their static display. Guests were extremely impressed with the equipment, which included body armour (operator’s suit worn when approaching and dismantling devices) as well as remote control devices deployed when approaching and destroying explosive devices, including inside buildings. From the WCoSP side, David Knights managed the Merchandise Table where Company items could be purchased.
The lunch was attended by 45 members, guests and members of our Affiliates. All were welcomed to a drinks reception after which the Master, Russell Penny, Senior and Middle Wardens and Principal Guests were clapped into the Gascoigne Room. A 3-course lunch, accompanied by good wines and port, was enjoyed after which The Master toasted The King. Following a short break The Master welcomed all guests to the Lunch and, in particular the 5 Affiliates present (sadly commitments prevented The RAF Regiment from attending but they had recently joined the Company at the Master’s Installation Lunch). The Master was also delighted to welcome 5 Yeoman Warders. The Master thanked Axis, sponsors of the lunch, and presented Mr Mani Gurung with a framed WCoSP Certificate.
During his speech the Master acknowledged the Company’s signing of the Armed Forces Covenant at Common Hall in 2022. The AFC is an important document which pledges continued commitment to the Armed Forces to ensure that their members, and families, are treated fairly and are not disadvantaged.
Given that the RAF Regiment and HMS MEDWAY winners of the Awards were unable to attend the lunch, The Master acknowledged their achievements. The Beadle then read out Citations for the RMP, RAF Police, 3MI and 35 Engr Regt in turn and the winners were presented with their Award and Certificate.
Finally, the guests were treated to a fascinating and inciteful speech by the Guest Speaker, Lt Col Henry Crosby, CO 35 Engr Regt on ‘The War in Ukraine – One Year On – the EOD Perspective of Emerging Lessons’. This was based around 4 key principles – Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue! At the end of his speech Lt Col Crosby asked everyone to stand and, in time honoured fashion, toast the WCoSP – ‘May it flourish root and branch forever’.
The Master thanked Lt Col Crosby for a fascinating insight into life in theatre and many of its challenges – and asked everyone to think of those who are still in such an environment whilst we could enjoy a more social event. He thanked the UJC and its staff who made the event run so smoothly, The Clerks and the team who arranged the lunch, as well as the Display Team from 35 Engr Regt. A final reminder on forthcoming events was announced.
Once again the Affiliates’ Lunch was a great success. It provided a semi-formal environment in which the WCoSP and its Affiliates could socialise and learn more about the vital work of our Armed Forces, which must never be overlooked. The Services’ Committee looks forward to welcoming you again in 2024.