At the kind invitation of Alderman and Sheriff Gregory Jones and Sheriff David Chalk the…

Common Hall 2023
On Thursday, 23 November 2023, the Master, Wardens, Liverymen, Freemen, Members, Apprentices, and guests gathered for the Company’s 2023 Common Hall and Award Presentations which were held in Saddlers’ Hall, a popular venue for our event. Our principal guest was Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley; other guests included: those Commended in the Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery, plus winners of the 2023 Dog Awards.
The Master declared Common Hall open, at 17.00 and the following ceremonies took place:
Admittance of Apprentices with support from their Apprentice Masters, the following made their declarations and were inroled on their four-year journeys as Apprentices: Miss Samar Ahmed, Mr George Berry, Mr Tomas de Guzman Magno, Mr Salaam Mahmood, Mr William Neal, Miss Sophie-Rose Russell, Mr Eric Serwanga, Miss Nacenza Smith and Mr Thomas Zachary. Andrew Knights was there to guide the new and completing apprentices. Andrew performs a very valuable role within the Company looking after and running the Apprentice scheme, for which our Company is the envy of many other Livery Companies for the way in which the Apprentices are guided, during their progression within the Company.
Completing Apprentices admitted as Freemen of the Company, by Servitude. The following, having completed their four-year apprenticeships were admitted to the Company as Freemen: Mr Alex Echeverri, Miss Jane Gillings, Miss Devon Johnson, Mr Ben Kitchener, Mr Alexander Lee, Mr Dominic McClaran and Miss Eva Thomas.

Admittance of Members as Freemen. After making their declarations, the following members were admitted to the Freedom of the Company: Mr Alan Bullock, Mr Dave Collins, Mr John Ford, Mrs Clair Frame, Mr Ewen McAulay, Mr Mike Parker, Mr Jamie Price, Mr Jonathan Reeves, Mr Allan Waisman and Mr Mark Wakeford.

Freemen Clothed in the Livery. The following Freemen were clothed as Liverymen of the Company: Mr Chris Antoniou, Mr Richard Brooks, Mr David Curran, Mrs Helene Gould and Mr William Rowlinson VR.

At the conclusion the of the ceremonies, the Master and the Chair of Trustees, Claire Palmer, gave short and passionate presentations on the activities and achievements of the Company and Trust over the past 12 months, and looked ahead to the challenges and goals for the coming year. Sadly this is Claire’s last term as Chair of the Charitable Trust and everyone wished her well and thanked her for her work and dedication during her years as Chairman.
Following a short break in proceedings when all new Apprentices, Freemen and Liverymen signed the appropriate registers, Alderwoman & Sheriff Dame Susan Langley presented certificates for those commended in the 2023 Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery and the winners of the three categories in the Annual Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Dog and Handler. All awards were announced separately by the Clerk, with citations being read by the Beadle in his usual illuminating way.
Presentation of the Annual Awards for Outstanding Achievement by a Dog and Handler
- Civil Division Award – Ms Lexie Healy and Security Dog Xala of ICTS (UK & Ireland)
- Military Division Award – Number 3 RAF Police and Security Wing, Arms & Explosive Search Team, RAF Brize Norton
- Law Enforcement Division Award – The Dog Sections of the Metropolitan Police Service & the 18 police forces who provided Mutual Aid for Operation Golden Orb

Presentation of Commendation Certificates for the Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery
- Mr Chris Doyle
- Constable Una Kearney
- Mr Stephen Ruane
- Mr Joss Lloyd
- Sam Bawden, Matthew McEwen, Alison Sanders, Vladimiros Konstanindis & Henry Charlton-Weedy

After all formalities were completed, the Master, Principal guests, and other attendees, processed to the ante-room for a drinks and canapes reception.