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Carol Service
Once again, the Company was very fortunate to hold its annual Carol Service on Friday, 2 December 2022 in The Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula in The Tower of London. We are grateful to the Constable of the Tower, General Sir Gordon Messinger KCB DSO & Bar OBE ADC and the Governor of HM Tower of London, Brigadier Andrew Jackson CBE for granting us permission to hold the service in the chapel, and to our Honorary Chaplain the Reverend Canon Roger Hall MBE for officiating the service.
The chapel was filled to capacity and we are very grateful to PC Liam Masterson and the City of London Police Cadets for their assistance on the evening with directing the congregation through the cobbled streets to the chapel. The congregation included the Master, the Immediate Past Master, Wardens, Past Masters, Liverymen, Freemen, Members, Apprentices and their families and guests. The Choir, conducted by Master of Music Colm Carey BMus, started the service with Once in Royal David’s City which the congregation then joined in singing.
The Choir also gave stirring renditions of Voices in the mist (Chydenius), Gaudete (Anon.), Lute-book lullaby (Arr. Shaw) and On to Bethlem (arr. Jones). The congregation joined in singing the carols Kings of Orient, O little Town of Bethlehem, O Come All Ye Faithful and Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
The Lessons were read by the Honorary Chaplain, the Clerk, Court Assistant Tim Molden, Liveryman Andrew Hollis, Young Member Faith Fetuga and Apprentice Lucas Stephens. The Master read “Christmas Carol” by Sara Teasdale. The service concluded with the Blessing by the Reverend Canon Roger Hall.