The Court has two types of Committee to assist with the day-to-day management of the Company; these are The Chartered Security Professionals Registration Authority, and Standing Committees.
The Chartered Security Professionals Registration Authority
As part of the Royal Charter the Company took on the obligation “To create and maintain a Register of Chartered Practitioners in security practices”.
Schedule 2 of the Royal Charter, Rules for the Creation and Operation of the Register of Chartered Security Professionals stipulates that:
The Company shall establish a Committee reporting to Court, The Chartered Security Professionals Registration Authority, to implement and manage the Register of Chartered Security Professionals.
The Registration Authority must have an independent Chair and a Deputy Chair.
That Security Professionals who satisfy the standards required, shall be entered on the Register as a Chartered Security Professional and have the right to use the post-nominal designation CSyP.
For full details of the Chartered Security Professionals and its Registration Authority, please click here.
Standing Committees
The Court has created a number of Standing Committees to assist with the day-to-day management of the Company. Each Standing Committee has a specific remit and operates under Terms of Reference approved by the Court and listed in the Ordinances. The Company’s Standing Committees deal with: