We are pleased to announce that the Master’s Installation Lunch will take place on Wednesday, 5th June 2024. This is a very important date in the Company’s calendar as the new Master and Wardens will be installed at the Court meeting, following which we will be admitting new Freemen and clothing new Liverymen. These Ceremonies will be followed by the Master’s Installation Lunch in the beautiful surroundings of Drapers’ Hall.
Timings and dress code:
Reception 12.30 pm
Lunch 1.00 pm
Stirrup Cup 3.30pm
Carriages 4.00 pm
Dress Code: Dark Lounge Suits with badges of office, Company ties and Livery pins for members. Morning Dress welcome.
Please note: If you wish to be admitted as a Freeman or clothed in the Livery on this day, please email the Assistant Clerk at [email protected] with your details. The ceremonies are carried out at the Court meeting prior to the reception and lunch.
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals would like to thank ICTS

for its generous sponsorship of the lunch.