Trade and craft associations have flourished for many centuries, however the City of London companies, now collectively known as the Livery, are unique in their number and diversity. The cultural conditions which gave birth to the original guilds have long been overtaken by the development of industry and commerce, but the livery companies still flourish. They foster their trades in a widest context, embrace modern skills and professions and serve the community through their charitable trusts.

The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals’ traces its origins to 1999 when the now Past Masters, Steve Neville OBE and John Purnell GM QPM DL, registered The Guild of Security Professionals with the City of London Chamberlain’s Office. On 18 November 1999, twelve principal founder members met to plan the creation of a working guild. The inaugural meeting, with sixty-two founder members, took place on 27 March 2000 with Sir Neil Macfarlane being elected Founder Master and with Sir David Brewer, CMG LL of Greater London and Mr Deputy Philip Willoughby JP as sponsors. The Guild held its first Dinner at Drapers’ Hall in September 2000. The Windsor Herald designed a Coat of Arms, and the Guild formed an association with the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London with its Chaplain becoming our Honorary Chaplain.
Progression to a Company without Livery occurred on 6 January 2004 when the petition for recognition as a City Company without Livery was recognised by the Court of Aldermen. The Company’s petition for Livery was recognised by the Court of Alderman on 19 February 2008 when it was declared that the Company had become the 108th Livery Company of the City of London. Between these two events there was a considerable amount of activity to raise £300,000 for the Company’s Charitable Trust Fund and £50,000 for the General Fund. Due to the hard work, support and generosity of our Members we exceeded this target. It was also recognised that our aims and objectives were serious and well founded, and that we did not conflict with the interests of existing Companies.
The Company was presented with its Letters Patent by the then Lord Mayor, Alderman Sir David Lewis on 2 May 2008; followed by a Celebration Luncheon at Guildhall. In 2009 the Company petitioned the Privy Council for a Royal Charter and Her Majesty The Queen approved an Order instructing the Lord Chancellor to affix the Great Seal to The Worshipful Company’s Charter on 15 February 2010.
The 108th ranking is by Order of Precedence, under which guidelines the Company is also classified as a Modern Livery Company as it was formed after 1926. It is now one of the largest by membership, with a dynamic Young Members Group and Apprentice Scheme making up one fifth of that number. The Company introduced the City of London Sheriff’s Bravery Award after the 2005 London bombings to recognise annually unsung acts of heroism and the winner’s names are inscribed on the Honours Board in the Old Bailey. The Company launched the Register of Chartered Security Professionals (CSyP) in 2010 as a means of recognising and maintaining high standards in the security profession. Our Charitable Trust thrives through the generous support of Company members and Sponsors and supports an impressive range of benevolent, educational, welfare and cadet activities.
Membership of the Company is drawn from the Security Industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals from the industrial and retail sectors, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators and electronic surveillance practitioners.
ARMS Party per fess indented acute Or and Azure three Portcullises chained counterchanged.
CREST Upon a Helm with a Wreath Or and Azure A Unicorn forcene Argent armed mained tufted and unguled Or the dexter forehoof enfiling the hasp of a Padlock Azure the sinister supporting a Terrestrial Globe Or the oceans Azure.
SUPPORTERS On the dexter a Dragon Azure armed langued winged and gorged with a plain Collar attached thereto a chain reflexed over the back and holding in the sinister foreclaws a Key wards uppermost Or on the sinister a Griffin Azure beaked armed langued winged and holding in the dexter claws a Lightning Flash Or.
BADGE A Portcullis chained Or within an Annulet the outer edge potenty Azure.

David Burrill
John Purnell GM QPM DL
Allan McDonagh
Simon Imbert
Una Riley
Steve Neville OBE
Sir Neil Macfarlane
Peter French MBE
Roy Ramm
Richard Monk CMG OBE QPM
Ray Le Monde
Ken Wood
John Allen
Maurice Parsons QPM
Brian Hughes
Mike Barley
John Rees
Richard Kusnierz
Phil Beard
George Russell QPM
David Marks
Colin Culleton
John Smith
Michael McLaughlin
Mike Farrell
David Tucker QPM
Douglas Milburn
Martin Gill
Michael Welply
David Parker
Martin Gratte
Ken Allison
Don Randall MBE
Victor Greenberg Michael Basnett CBE
Bob Rowan
Christopher Hollands
Nigel Churton MBE
Andrew Seymour
Darryl Hughes
John Cully
Alan Stanley
Per-Olof Loof
Audrey Fox
Sir David Veness KBE QPM
Henry McKay
Dermot Grace
Geoffrey Whitfield
Alex McNutt
Trevor Gray
Geoffrey Northcott
Mike Hawker
Sir Neil Macfarlane 2000 – 2002
Stephen Neville 2002 – 2003
Una Riley 2003 – 2004
Michael Welply 2004 – 2005
Trevor Gray 2005 – 2006
John Purnell GM QPM DL 2006 – 2007
Peter French MBE 2007 – 2008
Simon Imbert 2008 – 2009
Stephen Parsons 2009 – 2010
Don W Randall MBE 2010 – 2011
Nigel Churton MBE 2011 – 2012
Gerald Moor 2012 – 2013
Brian Hughes 2013 – 2014
Barrie Stewart 2014 – 2015
Stuart Seymour 2015 – 2016
Ian Mayes QC 2016 – 2017
Air Cdre Stephen Anderton 2017 – 2018
Phillip Hagon QPM 2018 – 2019
Michael Barley 2019 – 2020
Yasmeen Stratton 2020 – 2021
Stephen Emmins 2021 – 2022
Paul Miller 2022 – 2023
Russell Penny 2023 – 2024
Group 4 Securicor (G4S)
Mr Derek Ernest Gee
Wilson James Limited
Norbain SD Limited
Gratte Brothers Security Management Ltd
Michael G O’Connor of Darwin Clayton (UK) Ltd
Cooper Security Limited
Mr Gerald Moor
Tesco plc
Mr Peter Heims
ADT Fire and Security plc
Sir David Garrard FRICS
Securitas Security Services Ltd
Selectamark Security Systems plc
Case Security Ltd
We extend our deepest gratitude to our Livery Patrons. Your unwavering support and generous contributions have been instrumental in the founding and growth of our Company. It is through your dedication and commitment to excellence that we have been able to establish a strong foundation and pursue our mission with confidence. We are profoundly thankful for your belief in our vision and for empowering us to strive for the highest standards in our field.